Therapeutic music

and it appears like music therapy for Tash Sultana. I saw this musician live in June 2022 and it was an amazing show. Tash’s music has helped them and many others feel something. Feeling something, feeling better, feeling energized, feeling heard. I recently came across a short video on YouTube where Tash shared their personal experience with music. I had not known about their mental health experience and busking to help mentally, physically, and financially.

I find Tash’s music therapeutic and also encouraging for my own participation in music therapy. Watching Tash’s talent with the mandolin encouraged me to play more as well. It may not have sounded as consistent however it was fun to explore and play around with some notes that had been familiar and needed to be revisited.

The time in the past two years has been something else. We have all had more experience with other people, our work, hobbies, politics, families, and friends. How do we want to spend our time now? Who can help us with this? How do we want to be? Let us explore, revisit, and be.

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