As of todays date we need to explore our interests, self, and home a bit more. Interests being themes or hobbies we want to participate in. Self being who we are when we are happy, unhappy, or bored. Home being where you currently live.
Many of us have more time at home with no (safe) opportunity to go out and do our usual recreation. FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Skype, and Zoom have helped with our physical distancing from others. It’s great to cook dinner with someone else but a shame they can’t taste how good it came out.
Our local libraries are closed as well for safety. This allows us to explore their digital shelves, rows, and sections of books, magazines, music, and movies. And there is plenty to see! I have been using Hoopla and Kanopy for years however it is now more than ever. Luckily they are giving us some “free” credits on the sites for additional exploration -but first let’s get started.
Please find your local library card. Boston Public Library gives so much for residents of Massachusetts for free museum and other such passes however this is most appropriate for now: hoopla and kanopy can be accessed from our phones and computers. You can create an account using your library card from most library locations in the United States. If you don’t have a library card and live in Massachusetts I recommend getting a library card to see what’s possible.
A recent read from an audio book on Hoopla from my For Later shelf was The Righteous Mind, by Jonathon Haidt. It explores moral psychology and the author’s experience with this in day to day life. It helps us to see why people do the things they do. I thought it was great to understand how some of our loved ones feel that certain way. Especially right now with the pandemic and different viewpoints around the world. My other favorite authors are also accessible including Pema Chodron, who explores our thoughts and feelings. Lama Surya Das, who explores how each of us can find Buddhism. Alan Watts and Bruce Lipton, who reflects mankind’s values and science. And of course classics from Walden and Thoreau. I’ve also been excited to see some great movies from Bong Joon-Ho and David Attenborough accessible as well. Many of these are also found on Kanopy which has many great comedies from New Zealand too.
Take your time with this and take your time with everything else! Let us reconnect with old interests and find new ones. Let us be happy and entertained. We need to breath, relax, reflect, and stretch.