
I enjoy researching and practicing more “ways” of meditation. Yes, we have imagery in our mind about the “best” meditation; what we should be doing, where we should be, etc. however nothing is perfect. Meditation is taking time for ourselves, being with ourselves, and being in ourselves. This is important around this time of year and to consider for the new year ahead.

*Meditation (noun) 1: a discourse intended to express its author’s reflections or to guide others in contemplation 2: the act of process of meditating
First known use: 13th century
Synonyms: contemplation

*Contemplation (noun) 1: a) concentration on spiritual things as a form of private devotion b) a state of mystical awareness of God’s being 2: an act of considering with attention: study 3: the act of regarding steadily
First known use: 13th century
Synonyms: anticipation, expectance, expectancy, expectation, prospect

*Meditate (verb) 1: to engage in contemplation or reflection 2: to engage in mental exercise (such as concentration on one’s breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reading a heightened level of spiritual awareness
First known use: 1560
Synonyms: consider, contemplate, ponder, revolve, think, turn, weigh

*Mantra (noun) : a mystical formula of invocation or incantation

*Incantation (noun) : use of spells or verbal charms spoken of sung as part of a ritual of magic; also: a written of recited formula of words designed to produce a particular effect

*Flaneur (noun) : an idle man-about-town

Thanks Merriam-Webster.

So, what then defines “an idle man-about-town?” Well, it is being idle. I don’t feel sharing more definition is important, what is yours? Each definition of the feeling “idle” is different however it may include not feeling occupied, not scheduled to compete, etc. It will not be easy for most of us and that is when flaneuring is best. Put your phone down, shut the television or radio off, and look at what is in front of you. The action of just being, watching, observing, seeing, believing. Author Erika Own has great experience with this. Check it out: https://www.nbcnews.com/better/lifestyle/i-needed-more-quiet-my-life-french-art-flaneuring-showed-ncna1066636 .
There are also excellent links from this article including the benefits of yoga, self-awareness, breathing, etc.

Four years later, I come across this article that reminds me of a conversation I had earlier in the day. Yes, we busy ourselves and sometimes we need to un-busy ourselves. But, what to do? This article is from a positive Yes! news source to support our growth and awareness: https://www.yesmagazine.org/economy/2022/08/17/why-doing-nothing-is-good-for-you

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